Wednesday, December 16, 2015

How you feel about yourself shows.

So this morning, I tried to make a video for you guys, but for some reason I couldn't get youtube OR my camera to record! So I just took a TON of pictures instead!

 I just wanna say, I don't normally post pictures of myself, straight out of the shower, without a REALLY good reason. I've hesitated about five times now with whether or not I could post my raw self. But I think, to show the difference what a little bit of self-love can make, it's worth it.

Below is me when I first get up in the morning after a shower. No products, no effort, just me. And on top is the me that I feel like is the real me.

I feel cared for, I feel clean, and, yes, I feel pretty. You really would be surprised how much a little bit of self-love can brighten your mood and your outlook.

 Also, introducing my kitty, Phrenny. She judges me haha!

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